Spesifikasi :rtk diaktifkan untuk akurasi 1-2mm. kompatibel dengan rtk fix555/800 salurangps, glonass, galileo, beidou dan qzssdata seluler 4gradio uhf pada frekuensi 410-470mhz untuk pengaturan rover/basiskemiringan hingga 60°– akurasi 2 cm 30°– akurasi 5 cm 60°e-gelembungsistem baterai 2x hot swappable untuk survei berkelanjutaninternal radio 1-2 km | radio external 2-6 kminisialisasi cepat <10 Detiktidak ada masalah gangguan elektromagnetikInclude :
Stonex S900 (Base&Rover)2x Battery BP5S1x Charger CH-04ControllerRadio Eksternal2x Antena UHF QT450GT 450-470MHz1x Antena Radio Eksternal 430-450MHzkabel charger untuk controllerMeteranBracket untuk controllerStik Pole MiniStik Pole2X Tripod Alumunium
Menjual alat- alat Teknik Sipil,Lab Uji Beto, Lab Uji Aspal, Lab Uji Tanah, Equipment,
Proceq,topcon,sokkia,nikon,ruide,shot,Gps Garmin, Gps Purnno, Gps Samyung,
Gps Kapal,Ph meter, tds meter,lux meter,Hammer Test manual, Hammer test digital
thermometer batu bara, thermometer aspal Kelautan, Alat Selam, Perahu Karet,Alat Keselamatan,
GPS Garmin, GPS Magellan, Alat Survey, Alat Ukur dan Aksesoris Alat Ukur.
Current Meter.Anemometer ,Anemometer Wireless,Weather station
Untuk keterangan, nego harga dan informasi produk lainnya, hubungi :
Name : tatang survey
Alamat : Jl .H.Kelik No.20 RT.03 / RW.08 Kelapa Dua Kebon Jeruk Jakarta Barat
Email : [email protected]
Website :
Telp : 082124100046
WhatsApp : 082124100046
TOKO MARGASETIA adalah perusahaan perseroan terbatas yang bergerak dalam pembuatan, penjualan alat laboratorium teknik sipil untuk alat laboratorium uji tanah uji batuan uji beton uji semen uji aspal ,alat lab pertambangan preparasi mining dan hidrolika fluida.
Mesin uji beton
Mesin uji tarik
Mesin pengaduk beton
Cetakan beton
Alat pengukur slump
Alat pengukur kepadatan tanah
Alat pengukur kekuatan agregatTelp : 082124100046
WhatsApp : 082124100046
Alat pengukur kekuatan tekan beton
Alat pengukur kekerasan beton
Alat pengukur selimut beton
#Cetakan Kubus Beton
#Cetakan Silinder Beton
#Compression Machine
#Concrete Beam MouldTelp : 082124100046
WhatsApp : 082124100046
#Core Drill Aspal
#Core Drill Core IT
#Diamond Bit Hoffman 4 Inch
#dinamic cone penetrometer dcp test
#Dinamic Cone Penetrometer
#Husqvarna DMS240 Diamond Core Drilling Machine
Laboratory Penetration Test Set
cbr lab manual
Manual Laboratory Cbr
marshall test set
matest C380Telp : 082124100046
WhatsApp : 082124100046
MATEST c386-astuccio
Matest C386N
Menjual alat- alat Teknik Sipil,Lab Uji Beto, Lab Uji Aspal, Lab Uji Tanah, Equipment,
Proceq,topcon,sokkia,nikon,ruide,shot,Gps Garmin, Gps Purnno, Gps Samyung,
Gps Kapal,Ph meter, tds meter,lux meter,Hammer Test manual, Hammer test digital
thermometer batu bara, thermometer aspal Kelautan, Alat Selam, Perahu Karet,Alat Keselamatan,
GPS Garmin, GPS Magellan, Alat Survey, Alat Ukur dan Aksesoris Alat Ukur.
Current Meter.Anemometer ,Anemometer Wireless,Weather station
Untuk keterangan, nego harga dan informasi produk lainnya, hubungi :
Name : tatang survey
Alamat : Jl .H.Kelik No.20 RT.03 / RW.08 Kelapa Dua Kebon Jeruk Jakarta Barat
Email : [email protected]
Website :
Telp : 082124100046
WhatsApp : 082124100046
Hand Bor Tanah
Standard Penetration Test
Sample Extruder Manual
Sample Extruder Electric
Dinamic Cone PenetrometerTelp : 082124100046
WhatsApp : 082124100046
Triaxial Test
Vane Shear
Electric Direct Shear
Manual Direct Shear
Unconfined Compression Machine
Consolidation Test Set
Moisture Content Test
Speedy Moisture Tester
Sand Cone Test
Compaction Permeameter
Combination PermeameterTelp : 082124100046
WhatsApp : 082124100046
Digital Laboratory Cbr
Cbr Laboratory Elektrik
Manual Laboratory Cbr
Automatic Soil Compactor
Compaction Test Set
Specific Gravity Heating Method
Specific Gravity Vacuum Method
Hydrometer Analysis Test
Vacuum Stand
Shrinkage Limit Test
PLastic LimitTelp : 082124100046
WhatsApp : 082124100046
Liquid Limit Test Set
TVA Penetrometer
Proving Ring Penetrometer
Cbr Lapangan
Sondir 10 Hidrolik
Sondir Hidrolik 5 Ton
Sondir 5 Ton
Sondir 2.5 Ton
Mechanical End Over End Shaker
Plate Bearing Test Set
Corps Of Engineer Soil Surface Sampler
Tube Density Sampler
C194 Matest Concrete Pocket PenetrometerTelp : 082124100046
WhatsApp : 082124100046
C194 Matest Concrete Pocket Penetrometer
Menjual alat- alat Teknik Sipil,Lab Uji Beto, Lab Uji Aspal, Lab Uji Tanah, Equipment,
Proceq,topcon,sokkia,nikon,ruide,shot,Gps Garmin, Gps Purnno, Gps Samyung,
Gps Kapal,Ph meter, tds meter,lux meter,Hammer Test manual, Hammer test digital
thermometer batu bara, thermometer aspal Kelautan, Alat Selam, Perahu Karet,Alat Keselamatan,
GPS Garmin, GPS Magellan, Alat Survey, Alat Ukur dan Aksesoris Alat Ukur.
Current Meter.Anemometer ,Anemometer Wireless,Weather station
Untuk keterangan, nego harga dan informasi produk lainnya, hubungi :
Name : tatang survey
Alamat : Jl .H.Kelik No.20 RT.03 / RW.08 Kelapa Dua Kebon Jeruk Jakarta Barat
Email : [email protected]
Website :
Telp : 082124100046
WhatsApp : 082124100046
Soundness Test
Organic Impurities Test
Specific Gravity & Absorption Of Coarse Aggregate Test Set
Absorption Of Fine Aggregate Test
Bulk Density Test
Aggregate Crushing Value Apparatus
Aggregate Impact Test
Los Angeles Abrassion MachineTelp : 082124100046
WhatsApp : 082124100046
Sand Equivalent Shaker
Sand Equivalent Test Set
Sieve Shaker
Wet Washing Sieve
Mesh Sieve
Thickness Gauge
Length Gauge
Precission Sample Splitter
Gilson Sample SplitterTelp : 082124100046
WhatsApp : 082124100046
Sample Splitter
Menjual alat- alat Teknik Sipil,Lab Uji Beto, Lab Uji Aspal, Lab Uji Tanah, Equipment,
Proceq,topcon,sokkia,nikon,ruide,shot,Gps Garmin, Gps Purnno, Gps Samyung,
Gps Kapal,Ph meter, tds meter,lux meter,Hammer Test manual, Hammer test digital
thermometer batu bara, thermometer aspal Kelautan, Alat Selam, Perahu Karet,Alat Keselamatan,
GPS Garmin, GPS Magellan, Alat Survey, Alat Ukur dan Aksesoris Alat Ukur.
Current Meter.Anemometer ,Anemometer Wireless,Weather station
Untuk keterangan, nego harga dan informasi produk lainnya, hubungi :
Name : tatang survey
Alamat : Jl .H.Kelik No.20 RT.03 / RW.08 Kelapa Dua Kebon Jeruk Jakarta Barat
Email : [email protected]
Website :
Telp : 082124100046
WhatsApp : 082124100046
Universal Testing Machine
Cetakan Silinder Beton
Cetakan Kubus Beton Plastik
Cetakan Kubus Beton
Concrete Beam MouldTelp : 082124100046
WhatsApp : 082124100046
Matest C380
Compression Machine
Hydraulic Concrete Beam Testing Machine
Slump test Set
Compacting Factor Apparatus
Vebe TimeTelp : 082124100046
WhatsApp : 082124100046
Vibrating Table
Vertical Cylinder Capping Set
Split Tensile Test
Modulus Of Elasticity In Concrete Test Set
Air Content Of Fresh Mixed Of Concrete
Laboratory Concrete MixerTelp : 082124100046
WhatsApp : 082124100046
Husqvarna DMS240 Diamond Core Drilling Machine
Proceq hammer test Silver schmidt ST PC Type N Hammer Link
Matest C386N
Calibration Anvil
Matest C390 Calibration Anvil
C194 Matest Concrete Pocket Penetrometer
Core Drill Core IT
Core Drill AspalTelp : 082124100046
WhatsApp : 082124100046
Concrete Test Hammer Proceq Type N Original Schmidt
L box Apparatus
Menjual alat- alat Teknik Sipil,Lab Uji Beto, Lab Uji Aspal, Lab Uji Tanah, Equipment,
Proceq,topcon,sokkia,nikon,ruide,shot,Gps Garmin, Gps Purnno, Gps Samyung,
Gps Kapal,Ph meter, tds meter,lux meter,Hammer Test manual, Hammer test digital
thermometer batu bara, thermometer aspal Kelautan, Alat Selam, Perahu Karet,Alat Keselamatan,
GPS Garmin, GPS Magellan, Alat Survey, Alat Ukur dan Aksesoris Alat Ukur.
Current Meter.Anemometer ,Anemometer Wireless,Weather station
Untuk keterangan, nego harga dan informasi produk lainnya, hubungi :
Name : tatang survey
Alamat : Jl .H.Kelik No.20 RT.03 / RW.08 Kelapa Dua Kebon Jeruk Jakarta Barat
Email : [email protected]
Website :
Telp : 082124100046
WhatsApp : 082124100046
Diamond Bit Hoffman 4 Inch
Husqvarna DMS240 Diamond Core Drilling Machine
Percentage Refusal Density
Specific Gravity Of Semi Solid Bituminous Materials
Distilation Of Cutback AsphaltsTelp : 082124100046
WhatsApp : 082124100046
Water Content In Petroleum Products
Saybolt Viscosimeter
Flash And Fire Point By Cleveland Open Cup
Softening Point Test Set
Loss On Heating / Thin-Film Test
Laboratory Penetration Test Set
Ductility Of Bituminous Materials Test Set
Reflux Extractor Test SetTelp : 082124100046
WhatsApp : 082124100046
Core Drill Aspal
Marshall Test Set
Marshall Test Digital
Benkelman Beam
Core Drill Core IT
Menjual alat- alat Teknik Sipil,Lab Uji Beto, Lab Uji Aspal, Lab Uji Tanah, Equipment,
Proceq,topcon,sokkia,nikon,ruide,shot,Gps Garmin, Gps Purnno, Gps Samyung,
Gps Kapal,Ph meter, tds meter,lux meter,Hammer Test manual, Hammer test digital
thermometer batu bara, thermometer aspal Kelautan, Alat Selam, Perahu Karet,Alat Keselamatan,
GPS Garmin, GPS Magellan, Alat Survey, Alat Ukur dan Aksesoris Alat Ukur.
Current Meter.Anemometer ,Anemometer Wireless,Weather station
Untuk keterangan, nego harga dan informasi produk lainnya, hubungi :
Name : tatang survey
Alamat : Jl .H.Kelik No.20 RT.03 / RW.08 Kelapa Dua Kebon Jeruk Jakarta Barat
Email : [email protected]
Website :
Telp : 082124100046
WhatsApp : 082124100046
Alat Lab Pertambangan Preparasi Mining
Retsch Jaw Crusher
Shaking Table
Rotary Sample Devider
Handgrove Hardgrove Grindability
Hammer Mill
Bottle RollerTelp : 082124100046
WhatsApp : 082124100046
Ball Mill
Raymond Mill
Hydraulic Press Pellet Machine
Jaw Crusher 5″x8″
Big Drying Oven
Double Roller Crusher
Lab. Pulverizer
Rotap Sieve Shaker
Sieve Shaker Lab Preparasi Mining
Sample Splitter
Precission Sample SplitterTelp : 082124100046
WhatsApp : 082124100046
Mesh Sieve
Menjual alat- alat Teknik Sipil,Lab Uji Beto, Lab Uji Aspal, Lab Uji Tanah, Equipment,
Proceq,topcon,sokkia,nikon,ruide,shot,Gps Garmin, Gps Purnno, Gps Samyung,
Gps Kapal,Ph meter, tds meter,lux meter,Hammer Test manual, Hammer test digital
thermometer batu bara, thermometer aspal Kelautan, Alat Selam, Perahu Karet,Alat Keselamatan,
GPS Garmin, GPS Magellan, Alat Survey, Alat Ukur dan Aksesoris Alat Ukur.
Current Meter.Anemometer ,Anemometer Wireless,Weather station
Untuk keterangan, nego harga dan informasi produk lainnya, hubungi :
Name : tatang survey
Alamat : Jl .H.Kelik No.20 RT.03 / RW.08 Kelapa Dua Kebon Jeruk Jakarta Barat
Email : [email protected]
Website :
Telp : 082124100046
WhatsApp : 082124100046
Bends And Fitting Friction
Pipe Friction
Metacentric Height
Impact Of Jet
Hydraulic Bench
Flume Test
Ventury Set
Menjual alat- alat Teknik Sipil,Lab Uji Beto, Lab Uji Aspal, Lab Uji Tanah, Equipment,
Proceq,topcon,sokkia,nikon,ruide,shot,Gps Garmin, Gps Purnno, Gps Samyung,
Gps Kapal,Ph meter, tds meter,lux meter,Hammer Test manual, Hammer test digital
thermometer batu bara, thermometer aspal Kelautan, Alat Selam, Perahu Karet,Alat Keselamatan,
GPS Garmin, GPS Magellan, Alat Survey, Alat Ukur dan Aksesoris Alat Ukur.
Current Meter.Anemometer ,Anemometer Wireless,Weather station
Untuk keterangan, nego harga dan informasi produk lainnya, hubungi :
Name : tatang survey
Alamat : Jl .H.Kelik No.20 RT.03 / RW.08 Kelapa Dua Kebon Jeruk Jakarta Barat
Email : [email protected]
Website :
Telp : 082124100046
WhatsApp : 082124100046
Alat Uji Tekan Paving Block
cbr lab digital
Digital Cbr Laboratory
alat uji tekan beton dan uji lentur beton
Alat Uji Tekan Beton & Uji Lentur Beton
marshall test set digital
Digital Marshall Test
consolidation test set
Consolidation Test Set
sieve shaker rotap
Rotap Sieve Shaker
jaw retch
Retsch Jaw CrusherTelp : 082124100046
WhatsApp : 082124100046
laboratory shaking table
Shaking Table
rotary sample devider
Rotary Sample Devider
Hardgrove GrindabilityTelp : 082124100046
WhatsApp : 082124100046
Handgrove Hardgrove Grindability
hammer mill
Hammer Mill
bottle roller
Bottle Roller
ball mill
Menjual alat- alat Teknik Sipil,Lab Uji Beto, Lab Uji Aspal, Lab Uji Tanah, Equipment,
Proceq,topcon,sokkia,nikon,ruide,shot,Gps Garmin, Gps Purnno, Gps Samyung,
Gps Kapal,Ph meter, tds meter,lux meter,Hammer Test manual, Hammer test digital
thermometer batu bara, thermometer aspal Kelautan, Alat Selam, Perahu Karet,Alat Keselamatan,
GPS Garmin, GPS Magellan, Alat Survey, Alat Ukur dan Aksesoris Alat Ukur.
Current Meter.Anemometer ,Anemometer Wireless,Weather station
Untuk keterangan, nego harga dan informasi produk lainnya, hubungi :
Name : tatang survey
Alamat : Jl .H.Kelik No.20 RT.03 / RW.08 Kelapa Dua Kebon Jeruk Jakarta Barat
Email : [email protected]
Website :
Telp : 082124100046
WhatsApp : 082124100046
Ball Mill
raymond mill
Raymond Mill
sieve shaker
Sieve Shaker Lab Preparasi Mining
Press Pellet Elektrik
Hydraulic Press Pellet Machine
jaw crusher 5×8 inchTelp : 082124100046
WhatsApp : 082124100046
Jaw Crusher 5×8
universal testing machine
Universal Testing Machine
alat pengujian patah genteng
Alat Pengujian Patah Genteng Beton
alat pengujian keausan paving blok
Alat Uji Keausan Paving Block
Bends And Fitting Friction
Pipe FrictionTelp : 082124100046
WhatsApp : 082124100046
Metacentric Height
impact of jet
Impact Of Jet
Ventury Set
hydraulics bench
Hydraulic Bench
flume testTelp : 082124100046
WhatsApp : 082124100046
Flume Test
Steel Bar Cutter Portable RC25
Steel Bar Bender Machine
Mesin Beton Shotcrete PZ-7
l box apparatus
L box Apparatus
incubator laboratorium
Laboratory IncubatorTelp : 082124100046
WhatsApp : 082124100046
big drying oven
Big Drying Oven
Double Roller Crusher
Double Roller Crusher
Lab Pulverizer Manual
Lab. Pulverizer
cetakan kubus beton plastik
Cetakan Kubus Beton Plastik
Concrete Test Hammer Proceq Type N Original Schmidt
square pan
Square Pan 400 x 400 x 50 mm
Dial Indicator 10 mm x 0,01 mm
surcharge weight
Surcharge Weight CBR
swell plate & tripod For CbrTelp : 082124100046
WhatsApp : 082124100046
Swell Plate & Tripod Cbr
desicator vacuum 300 mm
Desicator Vacuum 300mm
cbr mould
Cbr MouldTelp : 082124100046
WhatsApp : 082124100046
dial metal thermometer digital
Metal Dial Thermometer Digital
Baca selengkapnya
Pocket Dial ThermometerTelp : 082124100046
WhatsApp : 082124100046
Pocket Dial Thermometer
Vernier Caliper 12 Inch
Core Drill Core IT
benkelman beam
Menjual alat- alat Teknik Sipil,Lab Uji Beto, Lab Uji Aspal, Lab Uji Tanah, Equipment,
Proceq,topcon,sokkia,nikon,ruide,shot,Gps Garmin, Gps Purnno, Gps Samyung,
Gps Kapal,Ph meter, tds meter,lux meter,Hammer Test manual, Hammer test digital
thermometer batu bara, thermometer aspal Kelautan, Alat Selam, Perahu Karet,Alat Keselamatan,
GPS Garmin, GPS Magellan, Alat Survey, Alat Ukur dan Aksesoris Alat Ukur.
Current Meter.Anemometer ,Anemometer Wireless,Weather station
Untuk keterangan, nego harga dan informasi produk lainnya, hubungi :
Name : tatang survey
Alamat : Jl .H.Kelik No.20 RT.03 / RW.08 Kelapa Dua Kebon Jeruk Jakarta Barat
Email : [email protected]
Website :
Telp : 082124100046
WhatsApp : 082124100046
Benkelman Beam
marshall test set
Marshall Test SetTelp : 082124100046
WhatsApp : 082124100046
core drill aspal
Core Drill Aspal
reflux extractor
Reflux Extractor Test Set
centrifuge extractor
Ductility Of Bituminous Materials Test Set
Ductility Of Bituminous Materials Test Set
laboratory penetration testTelp : 082124100046
WhatsApp : 082124100046
Laboratory Penetration Test Set
loss on heating – thin film
Loss On Heating / Thin-Film Test
softening point test
Softening Point Test Set
flash and fire point
Flash And Fire Point By Cleveland Open Cup
saybolt viscosimeterTelp : 082124100046
WhatsApp : 082124100046
Saybolt Viscosimeter
water content
Water Content In Petroleum Products
distilation of cut back asphalt
Distilation Of Cutback AsphaltsTelp : 082124100046
WhatsApp : 082124100046
Specific Gravity Of Semi Solid Bituminous Materials
Specific Gravity Of Semi Solid Bituminous Materials
Menjual alat- alat Teknik Sipil,Lab Uji Beto, Lab Uji Aspal, Lab Uji Tanah, Equipment,
Proceq,topcon,sokkia,nikon,ruide,shot,Gps Garmin, Gps Purnno, Gps Samyung,
Gps Kapal,Ph meter, tds meter,lux meter,Hammer Test manual, Hammer test digital
thermometer batu bara, thermometer aspal Kelautan, Alat Selam, Perahu Karet,Alat Keselamatan,
GPS Garmin, GPS Magellan, Alat Survey, Alat Ukur dan Aksesoris Alat Ukur.
Current Meter.Anemometer ,Anemometer Wireless,Weather station
Untuk keterangan, nego harga dan informasi produk lainnya, hubungi :
Name : tatang survey
Alamat : Jl .H.Kelik No.20 RT.03 / RW.08 Kelapa Dua Kebon Jeruk Jakarta Barat
Email : [email protected]
Website :
Telp : 082124100046
WhatsApp : 082124100046
Mortar Three Gang
flow table manual
Compressive Strength Of Hydraulic Cement Mortar
vicat test
Time Of Setting Of Hydraulic Cement By Vicat Needle
specific gravity of cement porland
Specific Gravity Of Hydraulic Cement Test
air permeability of cemenTelp : 082124100046
WhatsApp : 082124100046
Air Permeability Of Porland Cement By Fineness Device
Soundness Test
Organic Impurities Test
dunaganTelp : 082124100046
WhatsApp : 082124100046
Specific Gravity & Absorption Of Coarse Aggregate Test Set
absorption of fine aggregate test
Absorption Of Fine Aggregate Test
bulk density test
Bulk Density Test
Menjual alat- alat Teknik Sipil,Lab Uji Beto, Lab Uji Aspal, Lab Uji Tanah, Equipment,
Proceq,topcon,sokkia,nikon,ruide,shot,Gps Garmin, Gps Purnno, Gps Samyung,
Gps Kapal,Ph meter, tds meter,lux meter,Hammer Test manual, Hammer test digital
thermometer batu bara, thermometer aspal Kelautan, Alat Selam, Perahu Karet,Alat Keselamatan,
GPS Garmin, GPS Magellan, Alat Survey, Alat Ukur dan Aksesoris Alat Ukur.
Current Meter.Anemometer ,Anemometer Wireless,Weather station
Untuk keterangan, nego harga dan informasi produk lainnya, hubungi :
Name : tatang survey
Alamat : Jl .H.Kelik No.20 RT.03 / RW.08 Kelapa Dua Kebon Jeruk Jakarta Barat
Email : [email protected]
Website :
Telp : 082124100046
WhatsApp : 082124100046
Aggregate Crushing Value Apparatus
aggregate impact test
Aggregate Impact Test
los angeles abrassion machine
Los Angeles Abrassion Machine
sand equivalent shaker
Sand Equivalent ShakerTelp : 082124100046
WhatsApp : 082124100046
sand equivalent test
Sand Equivalent Test Set
sieve shaker
Sieve Shaker
wet washing sieve
Wet Washing Sieve
sieve mesh
Mesh SieveTelp : 082124100046
WhatsApp : 082124100046
thickness gauge
Thickness Gauge
length gauge
Length Gauge
pricission sample splitter
Precission Sample Splitter
gilson sample splitter
Gilson Sample Splitter
sample splitter
Sample Splitter
PlaceholderTelp : 082124100046
WhatsApp : 082124100046
Torvane Test
triaxial test
Menjual alat- alat Teknik Sipil,Lab Uji Beto, Lab Uji Aspal, Lab Uji Tanah, Equipment,
Proceq,topcon,sokkia,nikon,ruide,shot,Gps Garmin, Gps Purnno, Gps Samyung,
Gps Kapal,Ph meter, tds meter,lux meter,Hammer Test manual, Hammer test digital
thermometer batu bara, thermometer aspal Kelautan, Alat Selam, Perahu Karet,Alat Keselamatan,
GPS Garmin, GPS Magellan, Alat Survey, Alat Ukur dan Aksesoris Alat Ukur.
Current Meter.Anemometer ,Anemometer Wireless,Weather station
Untuk keterangan, nego harga dan informasi produk lainnya, hubungi :
Name : tatang survey
Alamat : Jl .H.Kelik No.20 RT.03 / RW.08 Kelapa Dua Kebon Jeruk Jakarta Barat
Email : [email protected]
Website :
Telp : 082124100046
WhatsApp : 082124100046
Triaxial Test
percentage refusal density indonesia
Percentage Refusal Density
Vane Shear
electric direct shear
Electric Direct ShearTelp : 082124100046
WhatsApp : 082124100046
direct shear
Manual Direct Shear
unconfined compression machine
Unconfined Compression Machine
moisture content test
Moisture Content Test
speedy moisture tester
Speedy Moisture Tester
sand cone test
Sand Cone Test
compaction permeameterTelp : 082124100046
WhatsApp : 082124100046
Compaction Permeameter
combination permeameter
Combination Permeameter
cbr laboratorium elektrik
Cbr Laboratory Elektrik
cbr lab manual
Menjual alat- alat Teknik Sipil,Lab Uji Beto, Lab Uji Aspal, Lab Uji Tanah, Equipment,
Proceq,topcon,sokkia,nikon,ruide,shot,Gps Garmin, Gps Purnno, Gps Samyung,
Gps Kapal,Ph meter, tds meter,lux meter,Hammer Test manual, Hammer test digital
thermometer batu bara, thermometer aspal Kelautan, Alat Selam, Perahu Karet,Alat Keselamatan,
GPS Garmin, GPS Magellan, Alat Survey, Alat Ukur dan Aksesoris Alat Ukur.
Current Meter.Anemometer ,Anemometer Wireless,Weather station
Untuk keterangan, nego harga dan informasi produk lainnya, hubungi :
Name : tatang survey
Alamat : Jl .H.Kelik No.20 RT.03 / RW.08 Kelapa Dua Kebon Jeruk Jakarta Barat
Email : [email protected]
Website :
Telp : 082124100046
WhatsApp : 082124100046
Manual Laboratory Cbr
automatic soil compactor
Automatic Soil Compactor
compaction test set
Compaction Test Set
specific gravity heating method
Specific Gravity Heating MethodTelp : 082124100046
WhatsApp : 082124100046
specific gravity vacuum method
Specific Gravity Vacuum Method
hydrometer analysis test set
Hydrometer Analysis Test
Vacuum Stand
Shrinkage Limit Test
plastic limit test
PLastic Limit
liquid limit test setTelp : 082124100046
WhatsApp : 082124100046
Liquid Limit Test Set
TVA Penetrometer
proving ring penetrometer
Proving Ring Penetrometer
cbr lapangan
Cbr Lapangan
sondir hidrolik 10 ton
Sondir 10 Hidrolik
Menjual alat- alat Teknik Sipil,Lab Uji Beto, Lab Uji Aspal, Lab Uji Tanah, Equipment,
Proceq,topcon,sokkia,nikon,ruide,shot,Gps Garmin, Gps Purnno, Gps Samyung,
Gps Kapal,Ph meter, tds meter,lux meter,Hammer Test manual, Hammer test digital
thermometer batu bara, thermometer aspal Kelautan, Alat Selam, Perahu Karet,Alat Keselamatan,
GPS Garmin, GPS Magellan, Alat Survey, Alat Ukur dan Aksesoris Alat Ukur.
Current Meter.Anemometer ,Anemometer Wireless,Weather station
Untuk keterangan, nego harga dan informasi produk lainnya, hubungi :
Name : tatang survey
Alamat : Jl .H.Kelik No.20 RT.03 / RW.08 Kelapa Dua Kebon Jeruk Jakarta Barat
Email : [email protected]
Website :
Telp : 082124100046
WhatsApp : 082124100046
Sondir Hidrolik 5 Ton
sondir 2.5 ton
Sondir 5 Ton
sondir 5 ton
Sondir 2.5 Ton
mechanical end over
Mechanical End Over End Shaker
plate bearing test
Plate Bearing Test SetTelp : 082124100046
WhatsApp : 082124100046
Corps Of Engineer Soil Surface Sampler
Corps Of Engineer Soil Surface Sampler
tube density sampler
Tube Density Sampler
dinamic cone penetrometer dcp test
Dinamic Cone PenetrometerTelp : 082124100046
WhatsApp : 082124100046
sample extruder elektrik indonesia
Sample Extruder Electric
sample extruder manual
Sample Extruder Manual
Menjual alat- alat Teknik Sipil,Lab Uji Beto, Lab Uji Aspal, Lab Uji Tanah, Equipment,
Proceq,topcon,sokkia,nikon,ruide,shot,Gps Garmin, Gps Purnno, Gps Samyung,
Gps Kapal,Ph meter, tds meter,lux meter,Hammer Test manual, Hammer test digital
thermometer batu bara, thermometer aspal Kelautan, Alat Selam, Perahu Karet,Alat Keselamatan,
GPS Garmin, GPS Magellan, Alat Survey, Alat Ukur dan Aksesoris Alat Ukur.
Current Meter.Anemometer ,Anemometer Wireless,Weather station
Untuk keterangan, nego harga dan informasi produk lainnya, hubungi :
Name : tatang survey
Alamat : Jl .H.Kelik No.20 RT.03 / RW.08 Kelapa Dua Kebon Jeruk Jakarta Barat
Email : [email protected]
Website :
Telp : 082124100046
WhatsApp : 082124100046
Standard Penetration Test
hand boring tanah
Hand Bor Tanah
C194 Matest Concrete Pocket Penetrometer
matest c390
Matest C390 Calibration Anvil
calibration anvil
Calibration AnvilTelp : 082124100046
WhatsApp : 082124100046
Matest C386N
concrete mixer
Laboratory Concrete Mixer
Split Tensile TestTelp : 082124100046
WhatsApp : 082124100046
modulus elasticity in concrete test
Modulus Of Elasticity In Concrete Test Set
capping beton
Vertical Cylinder Capping Set
vibrating table
Vibrating Table
air content of fresh mixed
Air Content Of Fresh Mixed Of Concrete
vebe time
Vebe Time
Menjual alat- alat Teknik Sipil,Lab Uji Beto, Lab Uji Aspal, Lab Uji Tanah, Equipment,
Proceq,topcon,sokkia,nikon,ruide,shot,Gps Garmin, Gps Purnno, Gps Samyung,
Gps Kapal,Ph meter, tds meter,lux meter,Hammer Test manual, Hammer test digital
thermometer batu bara, thermometer aspal Kelautan, Alat Selam, Perahu Karet,Alat Keselamatan,
GPS Garmin, GPS Magellan, Alat Survey, Alat Ukur dan Aksesoris Alat Ukur.
Current Meter.Anemometer ,Anemometer Wireless,Weather station
Untuk keterangan, nego harga dan informasi produk lainnya, hubungi :
Name : tatang survey
Alamat : Jl .H.Kelik No.20 RT.03 / RW.08 Kelapa Dua Kebon Jeruk Jakarta Barat
Email : [email protected]
Website :
Telp : 082124100046
WhatsApp : 082124100046
slump test
Slump test Set
compacting factor apparatus
Compacting Factor Apparatus
hydraulic concrete beam testing machine
Hydraulic Concrete Beam Testing MachineTelp : 082124100046
WhatsApp : 082124100046
compression machine alat uji kuat tekan beton
Compression Machine
Concrete Beam Mould
cetakan kubus betonTelp : 082124100046
WhatsApp : 082124100046
Cetakan Kubus Beton
Mitutoyo Dial Indicator 10 mm x 0,01 mm
matest sieve shaker
Menjual alat- alat Teknik Sipil,Lab Uji Beto, Lab Uji Aspal, Lab Uji Tanah, Equipment,
Proceq,topcon,sokkia,nikon,ruide,shot,Gps Garmin, Gps Purnno, Gps Samyung,
Gps Kapal,Ph meter, tds meter,lux meter,Hammer Test manual, Hammer test digital
thermometer batu bara, thermometer aspal Kelautan, Alat Selam, Perahu Karet,Alat Keselamatan,
GPS Garmin, GPS Magellan, Alat Survey, Alat Ukur dan Aksesoris Alat Ukur.
Current Meter.Anemometer ,Anemometer Wireless,Weather station
Untuk keterangan, nego harga dan informasi produk lainnya, hubungi :
Name : tatang survey
Alamat : Jl .H.Kelik No.20 RT.03 / RW.08 Kelapa Dua Kebon Jeruk Jakarta Barat
Email : [email protected]
Website :
Telp : 082124100046
WhatsApp : 082124100046
Electromagnetic sieve shakers
Proceq hammer test Silver schmidt ST PC Type N Hammer Link
Husqvarna DMS240 Diamond Core Drilling Machine
Diamond Bit Hoffman 4 Inch
matest C380
Matest C380
cetakan silinder beton
Cetakan Silinder BetonTelp : 082124100046
WhatsApp : 082124100046
Menjual alat- alat Teknik Sipil,Lab Uji Beto, Lab Uji Aspal, Lab Uji Tanah, Equipment,
Proceq,topcon,sokkia,nikon,ruide,shot,Gps Garmin, Gps Purnno, Gps Samyung,
Gps Kapal,Ph meter, tds meter,lux meter,Hammer Test manual, Hammer test digital
thermometer batu bara, thermometer aspal Kelautan, Alat Selam, Perahu Karet,Alat Keselamatan,
GPS Garmin, GPS Magellan, Alat Survey, Alat Ukur dan Aksesoris Alat Ukur.
Current Meter.Anemometer ,Anemometer Wireless,Weather station
Untuk keterangan, nego harga dan informasi produk lainnya, hubungi :
Name : tatang survey
Alamat : Jl .H.Kelik No.20 RT.03 / RW.08 Kelapa Dua Kebon Jeruk Jakarta Barat
Email : [email protected]
Website :
Telp : 082124100046
WhatsApp : 082124100046
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