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TORVANE Shear Test Merk DGSI
Alat Uji Menentukan Kekuatan Geser Tanah yang Kohesif
Pengukuran kekuatan geser, biasa untuk membangun fondasi dan tanggul, memberi tahu berapa banyak beban yang dapat ditopang tanah sebelum memberi dari sisi. Perangkat Pengujian Geser ini sangat ideal untuk digunakan di lapangan dan membuat tambahan yang tak ternilai untuk inspektur atau perangkat insinyur.
TORVANE Shear Test Merk DGSI
The TORVANE is a hand held vane shear de vice for rap id de ter mi na tion of shear strength in cohesive soils either in the lab o ra to ry or the f eld. The TORVANE allows shear strength to be mea- sured in the sides of test pits, trenches or excava-tions. It may also be used on the ends of thin wall or split spoon samples and soil chunks re moved from test pits, etc. The TORVANE set includes three vanes with conversion dial and carrying case:
• Standard vane (0 to 1 kg/cm²): used for fully saturated cohe-sive soils with undrained strength independent of normal pres-sure. The stress range permits it to be used for clays varying in consistency from very soft to stiff.
• Large vane (0.2 kg/cm²): use with remolded samples
• Small vane (2.5 kg/cm²): for stiffer claysThe index mark on the dial will indicate the maximum shear value. This number must be multiplied by the vane ratio (1, 0.2 or 2.5) to obtain the actual shear strength.061-SeciveD
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Phone / WA : 0822.1729.4199 / 0821.1232.5856
email : [email protected]
TantanTeknik Jual Torvane Shear Testing Device DGSI USA bisa dikirim ke seluruh kota dan kabupaten di Indonesia seperti Medan, Makassar, Madura, Malang, Palembang, Pekanbaru, Palangkaraya, Padang, Banjarmasin, Balikpapan, Bengkulu, Bandung, Binjai, Gorontalo, Tegal, Brebes, Purwokerto, Karawang, Semarang, Surabaya, Sumatra, Jambi, Aceh, Lampung, Yogyakarta, dan kota lainnya. Khusus untuk daerah sekitar Jakarta BEBAS ONGKIR (SK BERLAKU).
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